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Only Child Life

It seems like the most common number of children people have is two, at least it's the case for many of my friends and family. If not 2 then usually more. So, that puts me in the minority as an only child (at least among people I know).

People always ask me the same things over and over again. Isn't it boring? Not really. You kind of find ways to entertain yourself with whatever is around you. Perhaps that's why my brain is always active and chaining different thoughts together (thus the name of the blog). If I really have nothing to do, my mind just automatically goes into philosophy mode, diving into random concepts and putting me in them. What would I do if I were faced with the trolley problem? The point is you learn how to entertain yourself when you are alone.

I also love the peace and quiet. Although having company can be nice, nothing beats lying down in bed watching YouTube all day (ahh). I'll never get bored of that.

One thing I love about being an only child is that my parents support whatever my interests and wants are (as long as they are reasonable), even if it may be pricey. Having one child means you only have to care and nurture for one human being, and I feel like that is reflected in my parents' actions. It's like how you're more likely to put your all into one school project than to do so for two or three school projects simultaneously. It's also cheaper to fully support one human being, so there's that.

I'm not sure if this is the case for other single children, but my parents seem slightly more protective than others. Perhaps they put more emphasis on keeping me from following the wrong crowd or doing anything regretful because I am their only chance of raising a child. After all, there is no "second attempt" with a sibling. What I am and will become is who will carry on the family name, and it's understandable how they don't want to mess this up. Although I didn't agree with their overprotectiveness early on, I've grown to appreciate it and how it has shaped my personality over the years.

Either way, I wouldn't change a thing and I doubt I would change my mind in the future. Appreciate your siblings though, some don't have the luxury of having a life-long companion like you do.


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